Following its global publication on 30 June, 'Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné' has now also been delivered to the British Library and five Legal Deposit Libraries: Bodleian Library Oxford University, The Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales and Trinity College Dublin. The Estate of Francis Bacon will be gifting a significant number of libraries with the publication in the near future, as well as sharing excerpts on their website and social media channels, as the Estate continues to share and celebrate Francis Bacon's art globally. 'Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné' has taken over a decade to compile, with Martin Harrison, FSA, the pre-eminent expert on Bacon’s work, alongside research assistant Dr Rebecca Daniels successfully completing an ambitious project. The produced five volume publication is by far the most informative Bacon documentation, presenting the entire oeuvre of the late artist's paintings for the first time, including over 100 previously unpublished works. You can read more on the landmark publication via our previous article here.

'Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné features 800 illustrations across 1,538 pages, contained within five cloth-bound hardcover volumes. Three volumes make up the study of Bacon’s entire painting oeuvre, 584 paintings prepared and printed to the quality of art prints, bookended by two further volumes: the former including an introduction and a chronology, and the latter a catalogue of Bacon’s sketches, an index, and a bibliography. Printed on 170 gsm GardaMatt Ultra stock in Bergamo, Italy at Castelli Bolis, the five volumes are boxed within a cloth-bound slipcase. To order your copy of ‘Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné’ please visit Heni Publishing’s website.