Francis Bacon's triptych 'In Memory of George Dyer', 1971 goes on display at De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam, from today. 'In Memory of George Dyer' will be on display at De Nieuwe Kerk from February 21st – March 30th 2014, as part of the church's 'Masterwork' series. For further information including opening hours and tickets please click here.* Triptychs are traditionally a religious format, Bacon's is a memorial to the artist's former partner George Dyer. In 1971 Dyer committed suicide in Paris, two days before Bacon's major retrospective was to open at the Grand Palais. Dyer's form appears in all three panels of the triptych - as a boxer, reflection, and a shadowy figure inserting a key in a door. Both physicality and spirituality are interpreted in this piece, with the subject's suspension between realities on the threshold between life and death. De Nieuwe Kerk's Masterwork series was launched in 2011. Each year one masterpiece with a religious or spiritual dimension is displayed in the Church. 2011 exhibited Rembrandt's 'The Holy Family' 1645, and 2012 exhibited Andy Warhol’s 'The Last Supper (pink)' 1986. De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam Dam Square Amsterdam T: 020 - 626 81 68 mail@nieuwekerk.nl *Please note exhibition times/dates are subject to change. Please check De Nieuwe Kerk website for further information: http://www.nieuwekerk.nl/ Word ref: De Nieuwe Kerk website